Robb Willer
Professor | Stanford University

My lab consists of a cadre of incredible staff, post docs, graduate, and undergraduate students. Our research would be impossible without their intelligence, resourcefulness, creativity, and guile. To learn more about our lab members and research, please check out our full website at

In addition to my lab members, I have been fortunate to work with many incredible people on research projects, papers, and articles. While this list continues to grow, I want to extend special thanks to the collaborators listed below.
Nick Adams - Idil Afife Akin - S. Alexander Haslam - Cameron Anderson - Olga Antonenko Young - Nicole M. Ardoin - Katherine Baicker - Jeremy Bailenson - Pat Barclay - Stephen Benard - Emily Bianchi - Paulo S. Boggio - Casey Borch - Joshua Bostick - Andrei Boutyline - Frances K. Brewer - Courtney Brown - Valerio Capraro - Damon Centola - Yuan Chang Leong - Janice Chen - Joey Cheng - Aleksandra Cichocka - Mina Cikara - Katharine Clark - Bridget Conlon - Stéphane Côté - Molly J. Crockett - Alia J. Crum - Karen M. Douglas - James Druckman - James N. Druckman - John Drury - Oeindrila Dube - Naomi Ellemers - Matthew Feinberg - Eli J. Finkel - Andreas Flache - Francis J. Flynn - Rachel Forbes - James H. Fowler - Seth Frey - Michele Gelfand - Shihui Han - Nicholas Heirserman - Ashley Herrrell - E. J. Horberg - Julian House - Kyle Irwin - Jolanda Jetten - Oliver P. John - John T. Jost - Will Kalkhoff - Aaron C. Kay - Dacher Keltner - Gavin Kilduff - Shinobu Kitayama - Chloe Kovacheff - Ko Kuwabara - Michael J. Lovaglia - Michael W. Macy - Barry Markovsky - Sean Martin - Rie Mashima - Dean Mobbs - Christin Munsch - Lucy E. Napper - Rebecca M. Niemiec - Lindsay Owens - Dominic J. Packer - Andrew Penner - Gordon Pennycook - Ellen Peters - Richard E. Petty - Paul K. Piff - David G. Rand - Stephen D. Reicher - Cecilia Ridgeway - Christabel Rogalin - Laura R. Saslow - Sarina Saturn - Simone Schnall - Michael Schultz - Azim Shariff - Amanda J. Sharkey - Brent Simpson - Linda J. Skitka - Jennifer Stellar - Cass R. Sunstein - Sandra Susan Smith - Nassim Tabri - Shigeru Terai - Shane Thye - Lisa Troyer - Joshua A. Tucker - Tom Tyler - Jay van Bavel - Arnout van de Rijt - Sander van der Linden - Jojanneke Van der Toorn - Paul van Lange - Austin van Loon - Henry Walker - Kim A. Weeden - Rachel Wetts - David Willer - Caroline Wilmuth - Christopher Wimer - Michael J. A. Wohl - Michael T. Wojnowicz - Toshia Yamagishi - Reef Youngreen - Siyu Yu - Sonya Zak - Jamil Zaki - Sean R. Zion